How To Be in the Body of Christ at Peace in the Valley


This document lists the multitude of ways you can become involved in the body of Christ at PITV. Remember in the body of Christ, you belong to a family focused on all the things of God, which are good, right and healthy. At PITV we take pride in considering each other as an extended family as evidenced by our social time after the worship service, frequent potlucks, soup suppers, bible studies, breakfasts, etc. So, if you are a frequent attender or just joining us for the Winter season, let’s explore the ways you can become a more integral part of our family.  

  1. Associate member- If you are a LCMS (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) Communicant or Baptized member of good standing in another church and are coming to the Benson area as a temporary resident, you can become an Associate member of PITV while still retaining your church membership in your permanent residence area. An associate member has all the rights of a regular member including voting rights and the ability to be in a church office, board or committee.  
  2. Applying for Associate membership- to become an Associate member, you will need to apply to the board of Elders and be accepted by them. You must furnish evidence of membership in good standing in a Lutheran (LCMS) congregation and be a temporary resident in the Benson Area.
  3. Confirmation- If you are not a LCMS communicant member, you are encouraged to undergo instruction and satisfactorily demonstrate your understanding of the doctrine and beliefs of the Evangelical Church as taught by Luther’s Small Catechism. Our Pastor holds instruction classes from time to time for this purpose. Upon successful completion of these classes, the Board of Elders will approve you as a Communicant member.
  4. Transfer- Members of a congregation obtaining a letter of transfer from their current congregation. An application for membership shall be made to the Pastor, who will request a letter of transfer from the current congregation. Upon receipt of that letter, The Application of Membership will be passed on to the Board of Elders who will determine if there is any reason not to accept the application and make the appropriate recommendation the Church Council. Communicant Membership becomes effective upon a vote of acceptance by the Church Council.
  5. Profession of Faith- Lutherans who have previously been confirmed in churches, but who are not current members of a congregation from which they can obtain a letter of transfer may be accepted into Communicant Membership. Such persons shall submit their Application of Membership through the Board of Elders. If the Board of Elders is satisfied with the evidence of qualifications for Communicant Membership, it shall recommend acceptance of application to the Church Council. If the Board of Elder is not satisfied with the evidence of qualification for Communicant membership, it shall recommend that the application be held in abeyance until the applicant has satisfactorily completed a course of instruction in doctrine and beliefs. Communicant Membership becomes effective upon a vote of acceptance by the Church Council.
  6. Offering Envelopes- If you wish to have PITV send you a statement for tax purposes for your offerings, please contact the church secretary and she will get you offering envelopes.
  7. Attenders- We welcome all who come to PITV and please don’t feel obligated to become a member of PITV based on your situation and preference. However, we would encourage you to join in PITV activities and ministries. We are in constant need for volunteers for various ministries, such as kitchen help, setup and tear down of tables and chairs, ushers, special events such as Family Fun Fair, grounds keeping, etc.
  8. Ministry Participation- Please consider involvement of the various ministries around PITV during your stay in this area in areas such as worship opportunities, bible studies, breakfasts, potlucks, soup suppers, special events, LWML (Lutheran Womens Missionary League), etc.
  9. If you desire to discuss membership, please contact Pastor Ron York at 520-869-5299.

How To Be in the Body of Christ - pdf file
